Mark Cuban Tells Theo Von How He ‘Grew Out’ Of Supporting Trump and Urged Him to ‘Start Learning The Issues’

Screenshots via This Past Weekend
Mark Cuban told comedian Theo Von he “grew out of” his support for former President Donald Trump because he never felt Trump “made an effort to learn anything.”
Cuban and Von went back on forth on Trump and the presidential election on the This Past Weekend podcast, on which Trump was a guest in August.
“I’m not a Trump fan at all. I used to be, but then kind of grew out of it,” Cuban said as he was explaining why he is supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in November.
Von and Cuban agreed Trump was an exciting candidate in the 2016 presidential election because he wasn’t a politician. Cuban was briefly a public supporter.
“I would have elected a fucking donut in there if it wasn’t a politician,” Von joked.
Cuban said as he interacted with Trump more on politics, he realized it was impossible to get into the “details” of any issue. After publicly criticizing Trump after a debate, Cuban was sent a message by Trump asking, “What happened?”
“He sent me, ‘What happened?’ because he saw a CNN interview where I criticized him. And I literally, I told him, you’ve got to start learning the issues. You can’t just talk. At some point all of these things are important and if you’re going to be president, you’ve got a chance to win, then you’ve got to learn this stuff, and I just felt he never made an effort to learn anything,” Cuban said.
The Shark Tank investor added that he had no problem collaborating with Trump or helping when he was president and he’d do so again in a second term.
“I showed up because country over party and I would do it again if he wins, but I hope he doesn’t,” he said.
Watch above via This Past Weekend.