Bill O’Reilly Condemns Politics at the Dinner Table: ‘That’s Not Happening in My House’


Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly explained his tactics for avoiding politics at Christmas dinner table on Newsmax, Wednesday.

Asked for his advice on how to manage guests with opposing political views at the dinner table, O’Reilly said, “Well, I wouldn’t talk politics at all. Why bother? You know, the purpose of the holidays, Christmas, and Thanksgiving is to get family and friends together to talk about your lives. You know, what have you been doing? What have you seen that’s interesting lately?”

He continued, “I like to keep it funny. I like to keep it, you know, light and lively. But heavy-duty partisan politics? That’s not happening in my house.”

O’Reilly boasted that he found it particularly easy to talk to “the urchins, anybody under the age of 25,” asking them questions such as, “What do you like about the school? What is bad about the school? What’s the most fun time you’ve had? Is there anybody giving you a hard time? That kind of thing.”

“I’m like Don Corleone, okay? I’m sitting at the head of the table and, you know, people are talking to me, but Don Corleone had lines,” he went on. “We’re not going to talk about our extortion rackets at Thanksgiving, okay? We’re not going to do that. We’re gonna talk about your life and what you’ve been doing.”

The former Fox News host concluded, “So I’ve never had a problem with any holiday, and they all come here to my house on Long Island, and everybody seems to have a good time, and that’s what it’s all about. But if somebody’s out of line, I’ll say, ‘Hey, let’s go for a walk,’ and then me and the person will go for a walk and we’ll sort it out outside of the public domain.”

Watch above via Newsmax.
