Chris Matthews Cracks Up Imagining Matt Gaetz Being Introduced On TV as Attorney General: ‘This Is An Awful Picture!’


Chris Matthews made himself laugh as he imagined a world where shows like Meet the Press are introducing Matt Gaetz as the attorney general.

The House ethics committee is expected to vote on Wednesday on whether to release a report into whether Gaetz “may have engaged in sexual misconduct and/or illicit drug use, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gift.”

Gaetz has denied all sexual misconduct accusations against him and President-elect Donald Trump has thus far stuck behind his nominee.

On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, former MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who resigned in 2020 after an “inappropriate” comment to a guest, argued that Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) and others will likely block Gaetz’s nomination because Gaetz’s alleged history will be black mark on their records when they are running for reelection.

“I think he’s going to show this president that in a matter like Matt Gaetz, where the evidence will pile up, I think beginning today, when the ethics committee agrees to let it out, so much evidence that the president will have to pull back,” Matthews said about Thune and the Senate. “The evidence will turn against Trump and this appointment, especially Matt Gaetz.”

Matthews argued that Trump’s nominations have thus far been loyal MAGA supporters who can defend the president in TV hits. Gaetz, however, will not fit this mold if the ethics report drops.

“It is an awful idea to put him on Meet the Press or any Sunday show and say, here’s the attorney general of the United States. Here he is, look at him, take a look at this guy. And then they’ll tell us a story about who he was and how he got to be picked and what he had running against him when he was nominated. This is an awful picture. That one right there,” Matthews said as an image of Gaetz was shown, “to put on television and say, this is your attorney general who is going to make sure that all the laws are faithfully deployed. Is he? Is he the guy to do that?”

Matthews answered his own question and exclaimed “no” as he laughed at the idea of Gaetz being introduced as attorney general.

Watch above via MSNBC.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.