Fox News Guest Sets Fire To Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy’s ‘Infuriating’ Immigration Views: ‘They Don’t Know What a Nation Is!’


Journalist and author Batya Ungar-Sargon held nothing back when blasting Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy’s “infuriating” views on immigration as tensions continue to boil inside of MAGA.

Sargon joined Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy on Monday night and called out Musk and Ramaswamy for their recent statements on American workers. The two have faced backlash from MAGA influencers like Steve Bannon, Laura Loomer, and others who believe the H-1B work visa program supported by Musk and Ramswamy runs counter to President-elect Donald Trump’s hardline immigration agenda.

Bannon and others have called the program to be eliminated and argued it’s a device used by tech companies to drive down wages. Musk and Ramaswamy have meanwhile described a growing skills gap in the American workforce, with Musk even endorsing a post referring to American workers as “retarded.”

Sargon, the Newsweek opinion editor, called it “dispiriting” to see Musk and Ramaswamy’s rhetoric.

She argued:

Let me explain to you why I find it so utterly infuriating what’s happening here. Before Donald Trump, there was a handshake agreement between both parties to erase our national borders, to import millions and millions of low wage, cheap labor, and to export and offshore manufacturing, good middle class jobs to build up the middle class of China and Mexico. Now, the working class said, no, we will not cheer as you sell off our children’s futures, and they elected Donald Trump to say no to that. And what did the left do? The left immediately started to call them racist. You are a racist if you oppose the selling out of your children’s future for the enrichment of the leftist elites. Now what we are seeing is the exact same thing, but it’s coming from people who claim to be part of the MAGA movement. Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy calling American workers workers lazy and stupid, and anti-Indian racists of all things because they are saying no to the selling out of the future of their children. And it is so dispiriting to see this coming from the so-called right.

Sargon accused Musk and Ramaswamy of not knowing “what a nation is.”

“These people do not believe in national borders. They don’t know what a nation is,” she said. They don’t know what it means to feel a sense of obligation, not just to our fellow Americans because they are fellow Americans, but to people who have less than you.”

Sargon called Bannon a “national hero” for “toeing the line” against Musk on the work visa issue.

“Elon Musk, you are the richest man in the world. You can’t have a little bit of respect for the country and the people in it, and the working class of the nation that gave you that privilege? You have no respect for the God who gave you that privilege? It is so utterly infuriating,” she said. “And I’m so grateful to you and to patriots, Steve Bannon, our national hero for toeing the line and holding the line on this and saying, no, no, we will not sit here and cheer as they take good jobs away from Americans and give them to other people.”

Watch above via Fox News.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.