Screenshot via No Spin News
Bill O’Reilly blasted President Joe Biden as “insulting” and “arrogant” for his response to mysterious drone sightings over New Jersey and other states.
Local officials have expressed frustration over a lack of answers over odd drone sightings in recent weeks. The drones are reportedly between 8-10 feet long and have blinking lights. According to local officials, they do not have heat signatures and cannot be tracked the way most drones can. The drones are appearing in groups of dozens at a time.
“If it were any other administration, I think we’d have an explanation, but not with these people,” O’Reilly argued on his No Spin News.
Homeland Security and the FBI have been giving briefs to mayors and congressional lawmakers, but those briefings have led to little to no new information. Both agencies have insisted there is no danger posed to public safety as they chalked up sightings to a mix of private drones and incorrect reports from residents.
“Look, classified information is designed to protect
The former Fox News host took particular issue with Biden’s response earlier this week.
“Now President Biden, they woke him up from his slumber and he said this,” he said before rolling the clip of Biden talking to the press.
“There’s nothing nefarious, apparently, but they’re checking it all out. But we think it’s just one. There’s a lot of drones authorized up there. I think one started they all guys, everybody wanted to get the deal, but we’re following this closely. But, so far, no sense of danger,” Biden said.
O’Reilly sarcastically offered the president a “thanks a lot” for the lack of information and argued even Democrats are ready for him to hit the road.
“I think you’ll all agree with me, even Democrats, the faster this guy disappears, the better. He’s just destroyed his legacy. I mean, you figure on the way out he’d want to put up a couple of Ws,” he said.
He took things further and called the president “insulting&
“This kind of a display is insulting and it’s arrogant and those are two of the worst things a human being can be. Insulting and arrogant. So he insults the people by not telling us what the deuce is going on and he’s arrogant by holding it back,” O’Reilly said, adding, “I can’t wait for this guy to disappear.”
Watch above via No Spin News.