Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party Earned Every Bit of This Humiliating Loss

AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Donald Trump is president-elect of the United States.
Once again, he has shocked the world — arguably in even more convincing fashion — and once again Democrats and their reliable allies in the press are left searching for scapegoats.
But the hard truth is this: They are the authors of their own world historical humiliation.
What happened on Tuesday night would have been unthinkable in February 2021, one month after Trump’s unforgivable lies about the 2020 election led directly to the January 6 Capitol riot. But Joe Biden’s unambiguous failure as president set the stage for what has to be the most unlikely political comeback in American history.
Biden won the White House by promising to govern as a center-left unifier, someone who could push aside the fringes in his own party and persuade his counterparts in the GOP to do the same. Once he moved in, however, he immediately revealed himself to be a puppet of those fringes.
He intentionally opened the border. He took a hard left turn on social issues. He nixed the Keystone Pipeline. He passed a profligate spending bill packed with goodies for special interest groups. He tried to take away people’s livelihoods over their choice not to receive the Covid-19 vaccines.
When inflation hit Americans’ wallets like a ton of bricks, he and his surrogates denied its existence until they couldn’t any longer. Then they passed another profligate spending bill — this one aimed mostly at appeasing the Greens — slapped the name “Inflation Reduction Act” on it, and called it a day.
When Americans expressed in no uncertain terms their dismay over the artificially manufactured border crisis, the White House denied that the president could do anything about it until it became clear that it was going to destroy any chance he had of holding on to power. Suddenly, he sprang into action.
Abroad, Biden’s manifest weakness has invited aggression from America’s foes. First, he surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Shortly thereafter, Russia invaded Ukraine. The last three and a half years have also seen Hamas launch its barbaric attack on Israel, the Iranian-backed Houthis become more and more aggressive, and the burgeoning, sinister alliance between China, Russia, and Iran take shape — all on his watch.
What’s more is that he even left basic decency behind, casting critics of his preposterous federal election power grab as modern-day segregationists.
It’s true that the Republican Party is to blame for renominating Trump as its standard bearer. And it’s true that Republican Senators should have disqualified him from federal office immediately following the Capitol riot. But voters more generally can hardly be blamed for sticking it to a party that implemented one unworkable, ideologically-driven policy on them after another with disastrous results.
Especially not after it lied to them about Biden’s obviously deteriorating condition and then tried to repackage all of those same policies in the mediocrity that is Kamala Harris.
The through-line of Trump’s victory isn’t racism, or sexism, or Islamophobia, or transphobia, or any other boogeyman that MSNBC talent will tell you it is on their way to the bank. It’s that the Democratic Party is wildly out of touch with the average American on a whole host of issues that its elites won’t even accept are up for debate.
“Why is Trump running all of these ads about transgender treatments for illegal immigrants, prisoners, and children?” they ask, as if he’s the one who’s overreaching.
The simple answer is that well over half of the country thinks that the Democratic position on these and so many other issues is batsh*t insane. A word of advice to their consultant class: Step outside, smell the air, and understand that this country doesn’t resemble the breakroom of the Berkeley sociology department, or the editorial board of The Washington Post — if there’s even a difference between them at this point.
You wonder why Donald Trump is going to have his hand on The Bible again in a couple of months? It’s because the Biden administration — egged on by a clueless media establishment — managed to drive the median voter even crazier than he ever did.
This is an opinion piece. The views expressed in this article are those of just the author.