WATCH: Fox Cuts To News Anchor Applauding As Trump Says ‘They Tried To Rig’ The 2024 Election


Fox News anchor Sandra Smith was caught on camera applauding President-elect Donald Trump as he told an awards show crowd that Democrats “tried to rig” the 2024 election.

Fox Nation held their 2024 “Patriot Awards” event Thursday night, hosted by Sean Hannity and attended by a galaxy of Fox News personalities — including news anchors and opinion talent.

During one chunk of the speech, Trump obliquely referenced the 2020 election grievances that were behind a blockbuster legal settlement Fox had to pay, then claimed the Democrats “tried to rig” the election he just won. The crowd — including Smith — applauded the reference:

We have a very important job to do. We have to win and we have to bring our country back. When you look at all of the people that flow through open borders, who could ever want open borders, who would want that?


And when I heard that. I heard it three and a half years ago. And, you know, we build 571 miles of walls. We ordered another 200, which is far more than I said we were going to do, but we ordered another 200.

And I heard that they weren’t going to use it because we had a very bad result in that election. You remember that tight? That was not a pleasant night, but we had a very bad result, very unfair situation.

We’re going to get things straightened out in this country, including elections. We’re going to get the elections. This one was too big to rig, you know, is too big to rig.

They tried. They tried.


They tried and they just dropped their placards. They went home. They said, this is a slaughter and we’re going to we’re going to do things that have been really needed for a long time, and we are going to look at elections.

Watch above via Fox Nation‘s Patriot Awards.
