Chuck Schumer Congratulates Trump, Says He Hopes We Can All Finally ‘Put to Rest The Fantasy of Stolen Elections’
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took to the Senate floor on Tuesday and offered President-Elect Donald Trump a message of congratulations and said he hopes the stolen elections “fantasy” can finally be put to rest.
“We have to look at what we did right and continue to pursue those goals,” Schumer said in his speech, adding that Democrats also “have to understand the things we did wrong and how we must change.”
“We must be honest, we must be practical and we must never abandon the roots that defined the Democratic Party for generations,” he continued.
“To feel deep disappointment, grief and even anger in this moment. I understand those feelings. It never feels good to come up short. But when you do, you get up. You dust yourself off. You learn and you prepare to do better in the future,” Schumer said, promising the election would be studied and Democrats would learn the lessons.
“To Democrats who were back around in 2004. Remember the grief we felt back then? It was a tough election for sure. But what happened afterward? We got back to work to regain the trust of the American people. I was proud to be part of that process as chair of the DSCC. And just two years later, the tide turned in a dramatic way,” he continued, adding:
Finally, before I turn to the Senate, let me say this. I hope that after last week we can put to rest the fantasy of stolen elections and rigged outcomes. Four years ago, the losing side refused to accept the will of the people, and it led to a violent insurrection at the US Capitol. This year we will not go down that dark and violent path. Now, let me go on to the Senate. Last Tuesday brought a mix of success and disappointment for Senate Democrats. In the final analysis, we hoped for a better result. As happens from time to time, control of this chamber will change from one party to the other. To Senator Brown and Senator Tester, we could not be prouder of the races you ran.
Watch the full speech above.