Hugh Hewitt Calls to Ban Every Reporter in the WH Briefing Room Except for Fox’s Doocy: They’re ‘Obviously of No Use to the Country’


Conservative host Hugh Hewitt blasted the White House press corps as “no use to the country” and said he’d “ban everyone” from briefings with the exception of the Fox News senior White House correspondent Peter Doocy.

Hewitt made the remarks during a conversation with guest Bethany Mandel on his own show, slamming the press corps as complicit in refusing to address the idea that President Joe Biden was “not competent” to lead. Pressure on Biden over his ability to lead ultimately resulted in his decision to step out of the presidential race after his disastrous debate with Republican candidate Donald Trump, who went on to win the election against Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Bethany, with the exception of Peter Doocy, I would ban everyone from the White House press room who has been there for the past four years because they are obviously of no use to the country,” Hewitt began. “They didn’t tell us the number one thing, which is that [Biden] is not competent. Why in the world would Trump let them in?”

Mandel agreed: “It’s really disturbing and it’s funny because [CNN media analyst] Brian Stelter and all the columnists decree the trust that we should all have in the media, that we should all respect them and their hard work and sacrifice. Can you imagine any other job in America where you could do your job that badly and still keep on failing up? The media is pretty much it.”

Hewitt furthered the point, alleging that the entire legacy media was dysfunctional and “broken”: “That’s because it’s not really failing in the eyes of the mainstream media. They’re not supposed to tell us when Democrats are incompetent. They’re supposed to go along with it because that’s the legacy media.

He continued: “I mean ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Washington Post, New York Times, those five brands are broken beyond broken after this expose. Is there any way you could trust anything that they say?”

Minutes later, after criticizing the Biden administration for its commutations of imprisoned inmates and death row inmates in recent weeks, outlined who he’d have fill the White House press room.

“If you did a list… You could name people,” he said. “I can do everyone on the commentary podcast, I can do Mary Katherine [Ham], Vic Matus, you can fill a press room with good reporters who will not go easy on Trump. I don’t go easy on Trump.”

“There are so many Trump-critical people who could fill that room,” Mandel agreed.

Watch above via YouTube.
