‘Don’t Call Me Stupid!’ Cenk Uygur Ignites Powder Keg of a Segment When He Slams ‘Deluded’ Election Forecaster


A debate between progressive commentator Cenk Uygur and historian Allan Lichtman devolved into a shouting match on Piers Morgan Uncensored on Tuesday, with Lichtman accusing Uygur of engaging in “blasphemy” against him.

Reacting to Lichtman’s failed 2024 election prediction – which The Keys to the White House author blamed on voters falling for “disinformation” from Fox News and Elon Musk – Uygur said:

Don’t blame the voters. I think, look, we can get into this discussion, but one, I think you’re blaming the voters. I think it’s a terrible idea, and look, I debated Professor Lichtman before. I told him his theories about “the keys” were absurd. I was right, he was wrong. I said he’d lose his keys.

“No you were not right and I was not wrong,” snapped Lichtman. “That’s a cheap shot and I won’t stand for it! You should not be taking cheap shots at me.”

Uygur shot back, “Who won? You live in a total world of denial!” before making a hand signal insinuating Lichtman was crazy.

“I read your own followers’ comments and they all trashed you!” replied Lichtman. “Every one of them and supporting me.”

“Yeah right!” Uygur shouted. “You don’t know anything. You don’t know anything. You’re just so deluded.”

As the debate became increasingly heated, Lichtman boasted, “I’ve only been a professor for 51 years, published 13 books. How many books have you published?” to which Uygur replied, “You got it wrong! You were preposterously, stupidly wrong.”

“Don’t call me stupid!” yelled Lichtman. “I admitted I was wrong. I don’t need you to call me stupid.”

As the two continued to talk over one another, Uyghur snapped, “Hey Allan, shhh! Hey Allan, you deserve a tall glass of shut up juice, so can you just shut up for a second and let someone who knows what they’re doing talk?”

After Lichtman declared, “I will not sit here and stand for personal attacks, for blasphemy against me. You don’t need to do that,” Uygur questioned, “Blasphemy against you?! Who the hell are you? Are you Jesus Christ?”

Watch above via Piers Morgan Uncensored.
