‘No Shame, No Decency’: CNN’s Dana Bash Rips Anti-Israel Protestor Who Confronted Her In a Synagogue

(AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
CNN anchor Dana Bash pulled no punches on Friday in replying to a post from activist organization Code Pink, which sent a member to confront Bash after she spoke at a synagogue recently.
“Journalist @DanaBashCNN’s disbelief when confronted with facts about Israel’s policies raises a critical question: If you’re informing the public, Dana, shouldn’t you start by informing yourself?” Code Pink posted on X, adding, “If not, you are just being a mouthpiece for the genocide in Gaza.”
Bash hit back, writing, “You came to a place of Jewish worship, stood on the Bhima, near the holy Torah scroll, and pretended to be congregants. You have no shame, no decency, and no clue what you’re talking about.”
In the clip, the activist begins by telling a patient Bash, “I want to tell you that I am really upset at what I perceive to be your conflation of anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. This is not true. And that is very anti-Semitic and very dangerous to our Jewish community and our Jewish values. When you do that. I just don’t know if you understand that you are being a mouthpiece for the genocide in Gaza.”
“That is wrong. Genocide is the most anti-Semitic thing out there. This woman is 90 years old. She’s a Holocaust survivor. She stands outside the White House every single day because she lost people in the Holocaust. And she’s aware that what is going on now is a holocaust. Do you have an answer for me? I’d really like to know,” the activist added.
Bash replied, “I’m not here to debate. I will just say one thing. Being anti-Israel, anti-Israeli government is not anti-Semitic.”
“Okay. Well, that’s what the protests are about on this,” the activist replied as Bash said, “No.”
“And, you know, cited them several times. I have been at these protests,” continued the activist as Bash hit back, “Have you been to the ones at my house where they call me Zionist trash and call for the intifada against me?”
The clip concluded with the two debating the role of extremists at the pro-Palestinian protests across the U.S. in recent months. Both Bash and her fellow CNN anchor Jake Tapper have been targeted by protestors who have also shown up outside their homes.