Lawrence O’Donnell Says Elon Musk’s ‘Weakness and Legislative Stupidity’ Have Been ‘Fully Exposed’ Amid Spending Bill Chaos: ‘Very Good News’


MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell declared Elon Musk’s “weakness and legislative stupidity” have been “fully exposed” amid spending bill chaos in the House and Republican in-fighting.

The House rejected a spending bill supported by President-elect Donald Trump and Musk this week after an initial spending bill supported by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). The spending bills would avoid a government shutdown, but dozens of Republican lawmakers voted against the new proposal, with Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) even calling it “asinine” and getting heat from Trump on Truth Social.

Trump has called for the debt ceiling to be eliminated and threatened Republican lawmakers not backing him that they will be challenged in their upcoming elections.

On MSNBC’s The Last Word, O’Donnell called the spending bill Musk’s “first legislative adventure” and he “could not have failed more spectacularly.”

“This is very good news for America,” O’Donnell argued about the failure, adding it exposes how little influence Musk and Trump have over GOP lawmakers.

O’Donnell said Republicans are “not afraid” of Musk or Trump because both had their “weakness” laid out bare.

The MSNBC said:

The weakness of Donald Trump in the Republican House of Representatives has now been fully exposed and we have never seen anything like it in an incoming president with his own party. And the weakness and legislative stupidity of Elon Musk has now been fully exposed to all Republicans who all know how badly Elon Musk lost today. And enough Republicans are not afraid of either Donald Trump or Elon Musk even when facing the most extreme threats Donald Trump and Elon Musk have ever aimed at politicians. Obviously, Democrats in the House did not vote for a bill that Elon Musk and Donald Trump negotiated among themselves without speaking to a single Democrat about it.

Watch above via MSNBC.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.