‘It’s Insanity!’ Joe Scarborough GOES OFF On ‘White Elitist’ Democrats — Lists Far Left Issues ‘Setting Up’ Party To Lose


Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough unleashed on “white elitists that run the Democratic Party” who had been “spouting extreme positions” of the “far left” because they were “afraid they’re going to be canceled.”

Scarborough’s rant came after co-host Mika Brzezinski read out, in full, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s critique of the Democratic Party’s focus on “identity politics,” arguing it alienated key voter groups and contributed to recent election losses. While Trump attracted a diverse coalition, Dowd argued, many were driven away by Democrats’ perceived elitism, political correctness, and identitarian language.

After his co-host had finished the 10-minute readout, Scarborough weighed in: “We could talk about this for four hours. I’m looking at this, and it’s stuff we’ve talked on this show about.”

The host began by criticizing Democratic leadership for failing to respond to a Trump campaign ad pushed in swing states that claimed Vice President Kamala Harris supported taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for incarcerated individuals.

The trans ad, which, of course, we talked about time and again. Rick Wilson showed an opposing ad – 30,000 times on the NFL, they showed Kamala Harris saying she would support the funding of transition surgery in prison and taxpayers would pay for it.

It, of course, was the law at the time during the Trump administration. But they refused. Despite Bill Clinton and everybody saying, ‘You have to respond to this ad. It is impacting Black men, Hispanic men, white working class men. You need to respond to this ad.’ They didn’t do it.

Scarborough then pivoted to protests on college campuses and accused progressives of romanticizing student activism as a rerun of the 1960s anti-war movement.

There’s so many other things. We talked about it all last spring, I mean, maybe it makes you feel good when you see people trash college campuses. I know it doesn’t. But maybe it makes progressives go, ‘Oh, it’s like the ’60s all over again.’ Americans didn’t like the trashing of college campuses in the ’60s – that’s why Richard Nixon was elected twice, out of 49 states in 1972. Yeah, trashing of college campuses, can’t even send your kids to campus safely.

He then leaned in on the calls to defund police departments in protest movements that began in 2020 in response to the murder of George Floyd by police officers and became a demand of the Black Lives Matter movement that emerged from those protests.

Defunding the police! Back in 2020, we were talking here, Reverend Al [Sharpton], let me bring you in here on defunding the police. You and I were talking about how representatives in the toughest parts of New York City, in real time, were saying, ‘Defund the police? No! No! We need more police on the street protecting our children as we walk to school. We need more children in the classroom, you know, in the classrooms, more police officers.’ Safety officers so our children can go to and from class, so businesses can be safe, so we can live a safe life.

Scarborough then Rounded on “white elitists” leading the Democratic Party that he said were trying to “save” black and hispanic people, demographics that he said rejected their “wild” politics as “too far left.”

I just want to say, this is what we’ve known since 2017, that white elitists that run the Democratic Party are far to the left of many Black and Hispanic voters in the Democratic Party.

Scarborough then lamented the pressure on young students and argued his Democrat friends related to the experience of his daughter who said she was unable to “raise her hand and speak in class” for fear of being “immediately canceled.”

The professors don’t back her up. The administrators don’t back her up. If you’re at Columbia, good luck. If you’re at the other elite institutions, good luck… There are a lot of students and their parents, and, again, I’m talking about Democrats, who complained more and more about this over the past four, five, six, seven years.

Guest Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor-in-chief of The Economist, agreed and warned that “the whole party, the elite, moved to the left in a weird way” and cited “the trans issue, for example.”

She added: “I’m struck that even in the last few days, there are people on the cultural left doubling down on the cultural left position. I don’t know. It’s your country, not my country, but when you live in London, you sometimes come to the U.S. And think, what on Earth is going on here? This place has culturally gone off the reservation on the left.”

The take prompted Scarborough to double down, relaying a story of how he was critical of the University of Pennsylvania’s trans swimmer Lia Thomas competing against female students in competitions.

I remember saying something about it at the time, and people going: ‘Oh my God, how dare you say that. Why, you’re a radical extremist.’ I said: ‘Actually, there’s a poll that shows 85 percent of Americans agree with me.’

So fascinating that all these people who have been championing women all of these years sort of abandoned girls who had been waking up and their parents have been driving them to go swimming or running track and field from the time they were 5 years old at 5:00 in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays and, suddenly, they abandon them and won’t say a word because they’re afraid they’re going to be canceled. It’s insanity!

Beddoes agreed again and added: “Don’t get me wrong, there are important civil rights issues that need to be dealt with in this country. I’m not saying there is nothing to be done, there is nothing that anything needs at all, that the U.S. Is completely perfect, but I do think it went completely over the board. This is the result.”

Scarborough finished his criticism by agreeing that Democratic “far left” positions “actually did” result in a 2024 electoral loss.

You look at surveys. For white elitists who write books about white fragility and talk about how horrible the United States of America, you look at the surveys, and it shows that more Black Americans and Hispanic Americans believe in the more than dream than those people spouting those extreme positions.

Yeah, we say every day, we have a long way to go to be a more perfect union, but being an extremist and setting one party up to lose year after year, every four years, that’s no way to do it.

Watch above on MSNBC.
