‘Democrats Are Realizing Woke Is Broke!’ Morning Joe Crew Reads Entire Maureen Dowd Column Slamming Identity Politics


Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski took the unprecedented step of reading out New York Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd’s indictment of how “identity politics” hampered the Democratic election bid.

The editorial, ‘Democrats and the Case of Mistaken Identity Politics,’ was published in Saturday’s edition but was honored with a full reading on Monday’s Morning Joe show in a segment that lasted almost 10 minutes.

Dowd critiques the Democratic Party’s focus on “identity politics,” arguing it alienated key voter groups and contributed to recent election losses. While Trump attracted a diverse coalition, Dowd noted, Democrats’ perceived elitism, political correctness, and identitarian language – like “Latinx” – drove many away.

The writer argued that working-class and moderate voters felt neglected by the party’s progressive agenda and campus-style activism. Democrats, she continued, need to rethink their approach, citing figures like Democratic strategist James Carville criticizing the focus on “identitarianism.” Dowd said that the party should focus, instead, on reconnecting with rural and working-class Americans to regain their traditional base.

Introducing the article, Brzezinski remarked that it was “worth it” to read the entire piece.

The host said: “I think a lot of people have already been talking about this. We have a lot of calls about this piece. It’s an interesting message for Democrats… It really crystallized how some Democrats are waking up and realizing that woke is broke.”

As Brzezinski began to read, producers highlighted specific parts of the text by cutting away to clips of President-elect Donald Trump on the campaign trail lamenting not being able to call women “beautiful” and a further clip of a CNN contributor criticizing the “trashing” of campuses in political protests.

The video would cut back to the studio where Brzezinski would continue to read.

Concluding, co-host Joe Scarborough remarked: “We could talk about this for four hours. I’m looking at this, and it’s stuff we’ve talked about on this show about.”

Watch above on MSNBC.
