Michael Flynn Makes Asinine Claim That Bill Gates and George Soros are Planting Tracking Devices ‘Under the Skin’ to Usher in ‘New World Order’


Former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn got on the conspiracy theory wagon again by claiming there’s a plot to bring about the “New World Order” by planting tracking devices beneath peoples’ skin.

Flynn spoke to Clay Clark of The X22 Report as he claimed World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, and right-wing bogeyman George Soros are in on the insidious, supposed scheme.

“These are all people that are part of this conspiracy, really…Not just to understand what’s happening outside of our skin, but to get under our skin,” Flynn claimed. “These are very real and very — actually — they’re very dangerous people. These are people that see a global world order.”

Flynn claimed that those involved in the conspiracy are preparing to launch a “fourth industrial revolution that Klaus Schwab describes it as.” Flynn was referring to Klaus’ book wherein he discussed how technological advancement will lead to a social impact as tech changes how the world works.

These are real people, these are real things. They have an intent to have a New World Order. They have an intent to track every single one of us, and they use it under the skin. They use a means by which its under the skin.

Flynn has pushed conspiracy theories and alarming rhetoric numerous times since leaving the White House, even as his former ally, right-wing attorney Lin Wood, revealed audio suggesting Flynn never truly believed in QAnon despite parroting their conspiracy theories.

[H/T Ron Filipkowski]

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