Brian Williams Insists Dems’ Biggest ‘Unforced Error’ Was the Border: ‘To Tell People It’s Not a Problem Is Insulting’


Brian Williams on Wednesday explained why he considers the border issue to be the biggest “unforced error” of President Joe Biden’s term.

During a conversation on Late Night with Seth Meyers, the longtime news anchor gave the Democratic Party some “tough love” and detailed the failures that led to Vice President Kamala Harris’s loss to Donald Trump in the presidential election. Chief among them, Williams said, were inflation and the border.

“I want to know who thought it was a good idea that Joe Biden stand for another four years at 80 years of age and 37% popularity,” Williams told Meyers. “So then, that saddled the party with a British-like short campaign season for them. I think it’s insulting when members of the working class — which the Democratic Party has lost entirely in our lifetimes — to insist the economy’s doing great. A 12-pack of Bounty is $40. Rich folks don’t feel that. Poor folks already switched to Sparkle during the COVID [pandemic], during the lockdown. And I think telling them that the Nasdaq is gangbusters is further insulting. It’s insulting.”

“I think the biggest unforced error of the Biden administration, by far, was the border. To tell people it’s not a problem is insulting,” he continued. “For the working class to see incoming migrants getting welcome bags, debit cards, and motel rooms is probably insulting, as well; so there’s a lot of work to do.”
