Glenn Greenwald Lashes Out at ‘Liberal Idiots’ Shocked He Is Hosting Alex Jones Doc Premiere


Journalist Glenn Greenwald is in full defense mode after shocking many of his social media followers with the announcement he is hosting the premiere of an upcoming documentary on Alex Jones called Alex’s War.

The movie is premiering July 23 and will include Jones being interviewed by Greenwald. The trailer for the film includes some highlights of Jones’ career, from him hosting his show in a tin foil hat to the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting controversy that has landed him in so much legal trouble.

“I try to tell the truth and sometimes I’m wrong,” Jones says, seemingly referring to Sandy Hook. He previously promoted a conspiracy theory that the shooting, where 26 people were murdered, was faked as part of a “false flag” operation.

“Let’s put me in prison for questioning, even though that’s my right. In fact, let’s execute Alex Jones. Put me in front of a firing squad. Pull the trigger” the InfoWars founder, who is banned from Twitter and numerous other social media platforms, says at another point.

“This new Alex Jones doc by the same filmmaker, Alex Lee Moyer, debuts in Austin this month. Like her film on ‘incels,’ it avoids sanctimony and posturing. Shows the audience why Alex Jones happened. It’s fascinating. I’m excited to speak at the preview,” Greenwald tweeted about the upcoming premiere.

The former Intercept journalist who broke the Edward Snowden story, went on to link to a story claiming that paid ads for the movie’s trailer are being censored on social media.

Numerous people expressed outright shock at this newfound connection between Greenwald and Jones, but Greenwald has pushed back, defending the interview by saying the critics don’t know what’s in the film and one could walk away from the movie “hating” the infamous conspiracy theorist.

“Nothing like lending credibility to Alex Jones, who says the government deploys special ‘gay bombs.’ and who accused Sandy Hook parents of being actors faking their kids deaths. Awesome job, Glenn,” lawyer and commentator Bradley P. Moss tweeted, earning himself a Greenwald reaction against “liberal idiots.”

“Just want to apologise for my years of dreary journalism where I didn’t talk to anybody who hounded the parents of Sandy Hook “crisis actors”. Will try to be less elitist in future,” read another shocked reaction tweet from the BBC’s Nicholas Barrett.

At least one user pointed to a 2019 tweet from Greenwald said he would never appear on Jones’ show as he defended recent Fox News appearances from criticism. Greenwald added that he did not see Fox and Jones’ audience as the same when it comes to “receptiveness to ideas.”

In regards to the upcoming Jones-centered film, Greenwald further critiqued his detractors by naming “far worse” people who have been interviewed by “establishment” media, from George W. Bush to Osama Bin Laden.

“It’s just establishmentarianism. They’d have no problem with interviewing people who have done far worse — George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, David Frum/Jeffrey Goldberg (whose conspiracies and lies led to the invasion of Iraq) — because they have establishment approval,” he tweeted.

You can watch the trailer for Alex’s War and catch a whole lot of Jones screaming above via Play Nice.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.