Geraldo Rivera Sounds Off On Bombings While Reporting in Austin, TX: ‘This is Terrorism’


Geraldo Rivera reported live from Austin, Texas, Tuesday night just as another bomb exploded at a Goodwill earlier in the evening.

Rivera spoke with two locals, one who lived near the Goodwill and works five minutes away from another bomb sighting.

“We were at my daughter’s school at a cheer meeting tonight when they announced the bombing and let us leave,” one woman told Rivera. “It’s getting way too close to home and to work and to everyday life for everybody.”

Her 15-year-old daughter said to Rivera that things have been “scary” between these bombings and the recent school shootings and that “you don’t even know if you’re walking to school.”

When asked what she’d do if a FedEx truck arrives at their house, she responded by saying that she had packages that she ordered and that she wished she never ordered them.

“They’ve told us to call 911 and make sure that it is what it’s supposed to be before we open it so that’s what I’m gonna do,” Sandy continued.

Rivera then referred to Sean Hannity‘s earlier conversation with a panel about these bombings possibly being related to terrorism and decided to weigh in himself.

“To me, the definition of terror is when the crime has no motive other than to frighten people, other than to unsettle society, other than to attack civilization. This is terrorism,” Rivera declared. “It might not be Muslims. I don’t know who is behind it. It might not be some militia or whatever it is. I don’t know. But all I know is whoever is planting these––they are terrorists. They are evil terrorists.”

Watch the clip above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]
