MSNBC’s Symone Sanders Blasts Critics Digging Into Biden Over Hunter Pardon: He ‘Played By All the Rules!’


Symone Sanders-Townsend ripped into critics of President Joe Biden following him pardoning his son Hunter Biden, insisting they should be more concerned and focused on President-elect Donald Trump.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Sanders-Townsend touted Biden as someone who “played by all the rules,” though she admitted pardoning his son after saying he wouldn’t do so certainly creates a sticky situation for his spokespeople. She called the blowback from some Democrats “disappointing.”

She argued:

“This 118th Congress, they opened up an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, people may have forgotten that. In our nation’s recent history, only five presidents before Biden had ever had an impeachment inquiry opened against them and all of the recent impeachment inquiries — the inquiry was so dagone baseless that in the only public hearing that the Oversight Committee had on this, their own witnesses said there was no there there. So knowing all of that, do we actually believe that Joe Biden was just going to let the president-elect’s administration make good on their promise to go after his son? Joe Biden is leaving the stage, he’s leaving the stage, this is not a Donald Trump situation where he could potentially come back and run for president, he is done. Joe Biden has played by all the rules that people told him you need to play by. He’s done it all so good for Joe Biden and good for Hunter, I say. Sorry to the comms shop this week. This is very unfortunate to the people in the comms shop. I know how it is to be a spokesperson, but, like, oh well. The House is literally on fire and y’all are still looking for the keys.”

Trump said on multiple occasions he was open to pardoning Hunter Biden himself. The current president’s son was convicted on gun and tax charges. Sanders-Townsend is a former advisor to Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Sanders-Townsend insisted people need to be far more concerned about Trump and how he’ll use his second term than Biden pardoning his son.

“Donald Trump is about to be president and the Supreme Court has said he’s basically a kind with an asterisk so please, what is happening here?” she said.

Watch above via MSNBC.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.