Democrat Al Green Booed, Heckled on House Floor for Attempting to Give Speech During Speaker Vote
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) faced a wave of booing from his colleagues on Friday during a vote to decide who will serve as the next speaker of the House.
During a first round of voting, lawmakers were called to give their vote after nomination speeches for incumbent Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). Most simply gave one name or the other to indicate their votes, but when Green was called upon, he had a lot more to say, though most of it wasn’t picked up too well by microphones, especially as his audience turned on him.
“Still I rise for the preferred candidate of liberty and justice for all, the hope and dream of this —” Green said as called for “order!” and booing commenced, drowning him out.
“I don’t think you’ve got order,” Green appeared to say at one point through the boos.
After the booing stopped, Green earned some heckles and laughter from the audience as he was called to give his vote again. He did finish the final line of his small speech though, calling Jeffries the “hope and dream of these states” before voting for him.
Republicans have only a one-vote majority in the 119th Congress. Trump endorsed Johnson’s bid to hold on to his gavel earlier this week, but Johnson has continued to face resistance from some Republican colleagues over process and spending issues.
Watch above via MSNBC.