‘The Definition of Cancer’: Scott Galloway Shreds Anti-Government Politicians – We Are ‘Rotting From the Inside’
Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at NYU and the co-host of the Pivot podcast, recently tore into U.S. political leaders who campaign against the government.
Galloway made the comments while he and co-host Kara Swisher were answering questions from listeners on Friday. One listener asked how the government can incentivize more Americans and experts working in tech to join the government.
Swisher discussed the economics of the issue, arguing, “There’s no question there’s been a bleeding of our top technologists away from government and towards, uh, money and tech and wherever it happens to be.”
“Some of it’s cultural. In America, we worship private business people and athletes; in Israel, military leaders; in the UK, uh, actual government and sirs and knights and lords. So some of it is cultural to be suspicious of a big government,” Galloway added, continuing:
Um, but, uh, I think it’s gotten to a point where people have to realize government is us. And geopolitically, I believe we’ve never been stronger relative to our competitors, but we’re we’re kind of rotting from the inside out.
So what to do about it? One stop shitposting the government, our most blessed, uh, cohort, specifically males born in in the US in the 70s and 80s who became multi, multi billionaires all of a sudden decide once they have leveraged US infrastructure investment and our education system and our rule of law, then go on to start their second career shitposting government. I think that is obnoxious and doesn’t in any way nod to how blessed they are.
Two our actual elected leaders. Need to stop should posting each other and shitposting America, It makes no sense we elect people to government who want to tear it down. That’s obviously a you know, that’s cells turning on themselves. And that’s the definition of cancer. And most specifically, I I’m a big advocate and I’ve been spending some time and some money on this. I believe we need national service. I think young Americans would be well-served to serve their country than a military capacity, a nonprofit capacity, a health capacity to realize that for as fucked up as we are, we’re the least fucked up place in the world.
“Oh, that’s an ad to join the military. It’s the least fucked up place in the world,” joked Swisher in reply.
“Well, we need young people to meet other people from other income, racial, sexual orientation backgrounds and realize they’re a lot more like you than you think. Going to different parts of the nation. See what a wonderful nation it is,” Galloway hit back.
“Let’s join the army. Scott, you and I. Be like Private Benjamin,” Swisher added.
“I regret not having served. I almost went to Annapolis. And I think it’s one of the I think I would have been a better man and more mature at a lot earlier age,” Galloway replied.
“It is my regret I couldn’t go because I was gay, but I regret it,” Swisher said as the two continued their conversation.
Listen to the full podcast here.