Jan. 6 Rioter Accused of Using Stun Gun on Officer Mike Fanone Broke Down in FBI Interview: ‘I’m an A**hole’ and ‘Piece of Sh*t’

Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images.
Daniel “D.J.” Rodriguez, the Jan. 6 rioter who was arrested for shocking D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone with a stun gun, called himself a “fucking piece of shit” and “an asshole” during an interview with the FBI.
The FBI agents who interviewed him suggested he could help re-write his story from the way it was being told by Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Huffington Post — whose article helped identify him.
“Danny gets to choose if he writes a story today with us. But right now, the story that’s being told is by D.C. ― is by antifa, BLM, and the Huffington Post,” one agent said, according to an interview transcript obtained by Huffington Post.
Asked why he shocked Fanone — who suffered a heart attack and concussion while defending the Capitol — Rodriguez said he didn’t know and is a “piece of shit.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know,” he said. “He’s a human being with children, and he’s not a bad guy. He sounds like he’s just doing his job and he’s — I’m an asshole.”
Rodriguez appeared to have clear hindsight during the interview, telling the FBI, “Are we all that stupid that we thought we were going to go do this and save the country and it was all going to be fine after?”
“I understand what it ― it’s very stupid and ignorant, and I see that it’s a big joke, that we thought that we were going to save this country, we were doing the right thing and stuff. I get it,” he added.
Rodriguez told the FBI that he’s worried his “mom’s going to find out” what he did, and that he only participated in Jan. 6 to stand up for what he believed in after he unsuccessfully tried to join the U.S. Army.
“They didn’t take me. And I just thought that I could still contribute by ― you know, I didn’t take an oath, but I could still stand up for those same things on my own, you know?” Rodriguez said.
He told the FBI that he was worried they were “going to come round us up” after Donald Trump lost the election.
“My beliefs are that an overwhelming number of people came out to vote for Trump and he actually did win that election, the popular vote and the electoral vote,” he said. “They made sure that the election was lost and there’s no point in voting anymore, so it’s like ― I’m thinking they’re going to come, like, you know ― they’re going to come round us up.”
According to Huffington Post, the transcript was filed due to Rodriguez’s defense attorneys seeking to suppress the FBI interview on the basis that he received inadequate Miranda warnings.
“Agents capitalized on the unique media attention of this particular incident, conveying to Mr. Rodriguez that his story had already been written, and that this was his only chance to help himself out of the situation,” the attorneys wrote in the motion to suppress.