NY Times’ Bret Stephens Knocks ‘Gawker Spawn and HuffPo Twerps’ in Column on Millennials


New York Times columnist Bret Stephens has a new column going off on easily-offended millennials that takes a very, very specific swipe at “Gawker spawn and HuffPo twerps.”

Stephens noticed the reaction to a recently-unearthed clip of Biden saying he has “no empathy” when “the younger generation now tells me how tough things are.” He quotes a tweet from user @Anarchopriapism before saying that the Democrats need a Sister Souljah moment to denounce this element of the left:

In this election cycle, no faction on the Democratic side more richly deserves rebuking than the one Biden singled out — which is not, of course, anywhere close to the entire millennial generation (roughly 80 million strong), or their younger siblings in Gen Z. But it is that part of these younger generations that specializes in histrionic self-pity and moral self-righteousness, usually communicated via social media with maximum snark.

Gawker spawn and HuffPo twerps: This especially means you.

He cites a number of incidents on college campuses, like the recent uproar over a dean who was on Harvey Weinstein‘s defense team, to argue “we have professional destruction for emotional upset.”

Stephens concludes that the center in America wants Trump to lose, “but not if it means empowering the junior totalitarians of the left.”

He received criticism and mockery for the column, including from some of the “spawn” and “twerps”:

[image via screengrab]


Josh Feldman is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Email him here: josh@mediaite.com Follow him on Twitter: @feldmaniac