Fox’s Kurtz Slams HuffPost’s ‘Appalling’ Coat Hanger Banner, ‘Apocalyptic’ Media Freakout Over SCOTUS
Fox News MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz is bashing the media today for what he deems to be their overdramatic response to the news that Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring from the Supreme Court.
Since President Donald Trump will be nominating Kennedy’s replacement, many of the president’s media critics fear that SCOTUS’ new conservative shift will probably lead to the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
Kurtz discussed this topic with Fox Business’ Trish Regan — with the two starting things off by slamming the New York Daily News for their recent cover decrying Trump’s inevitable justice pick.
“I don’t take those covers seriously anymore,” Kurtz said. “But I do take seriously when people like Chris Matthews on MSNBC has been on fire about this, saying Democrats absolutely must block any vote by invoking what happened in 2016 with Merrick Garland…It’s just fascinating to see them giving the talking points to the Democrats.”
The interview continued with Kurtz predicting an “all-out war” over the next Justice nomination — though he and Regan mostly stayed focus on ripping the “apocalyptic rhetoric” in the press. Kurtz especially slammed HuffPost, which reacted to the possibility of Roe V. Wade‘s overturn with an online banner of a coat hanger.
“I thought that was simply appalling, and I think some of the predictions that Roe will be struck down in the first 90 minutes, that may not happen,” said Kurtz. “This is not exactly dispassionate and fair debate.”
Watch above, via Fox Business.
[Image via screengrab]
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