Hannity Erupts on the New York Times: They ‘Stalk Donald Trump’ and ‘Kiss the Ass of’ Joe Biden
Sean Hannity continued attacking the New York Times Tuesday night following his Monday night monologue going after a Times correspondent.
Hannity went after Maggie Haberman on Monday night for covering Donald Trump more than Joe Biden, calling her a “Trump stalker.”
Hannity again slammed the media for “bias by omission” of Biden’s presidency, and went after not just Haberman but Times columnist Ben Smith. Hannity in part brought up how Smith, when he was BuzzFeed News editor in chief, defending publishing the infamous Trump-Russia dossier.
He brought up Haberman too and — with a graphic showing both of them and the text TRUMP STALKERS — said, “They stalk Donald Trump, they still stalk Donald Trump, and they kiss the ass of and they protect Joe Biden and his corrupt crack addict son Hunter.”
“Joe Biden is in the Oval Office, Maggie. Ben, Joe is in the Oval Office. Maybe it’s time to start doing your job,” he continued, accusing the Times of being like Pravda.
And with all the venom, all the hate, all the ink, the vitriol, they are all clearly addicted to all things Donald Trump and the reality is, psychologically, for them, they cannot quit their psychotic addiction to Donald Trump. They miss him more than anybody. My message to the Times, my message to the rest of the media mob is simple. It’s time for you to tell the truth. It’s time for you to own your own truth. You are radical leftists, New Green Deal, Trump-hating, Trump-obsessed, New Green Deal socialists. That’s who you are.
He added that a “big difference between me and them” is that “we tell the truth, they spread lies and conspiracy theories.”
You can watch above, via Fox News.