Kamala Harris Staffer Berates BuzzFeed Editor by Text Over ‘Problematic’ Joke Tweet
BuzzFeed released a bizarre text exchange between BuzzFeed Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith and an aide to 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, Thursday, during which the aide made a long complaint about a BuzzFeed writer’s mild criticism of Harris.
After BuzzFeed reporter Katherine Miller tweeted, “Hard to know if last night harmed or helped Warren, but think all can come together and agree a debate highlight was Warren telling Kamala Harris no about banning Trump from Twitter then just continuing with her point in the manner of shrugging off a Greenpeace clipboard person,” the Harris aide sent an angry message to Smith.
“hey i have talked to her directly a few times when she’s tweeted out stuff like this, and i told her i was glad she deleted this tweet, but this kind of stuff is just a really horrible look for you guys. frankly, it’s whiteness manifest,” the aide proclaimed. “if kamala shrugged off a warren critique of how she wasn’t with her on Facebook, we’d get raked and she would get lauded as taking on corporate power. the blithe mockery here of kamala, while lauding warren’s style, is just not up to par. i say this to you just to be super frank and because i really like your guys’ work, the platform, and your reporters. we work well together across the board. but this is a bit problematic.”
Behold this amazing exchange between @BuzzFeedBen and a Kamala Harris aide https://t.co/isRdKeMnBL pic.twitter.com/0Jr6EDaykm
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) October 17, 2019
Smith responded to the bizarre rant with, “Do you seriously not have real problems? This text makes me think you are totally, totally unready for an actual presidential campaign.”
Reporters and editors from other news outlets praised Smith’s response and expressed concern over the Kamala Harris campaign’s creepy text.
Ben’s response is spot on. https://t.co/t7WI0eI5VU
— Kyle Blaine (@kyletblaine) October 17, 2019
Wow, shocked to see a Kamala Harris aide policing someone’s tweets and trying to get them in trouble with their boss. https://t.co/6yiLZL18eQ
— CJ Ciaramella (@cjciaramella) October 17, 2019
This is such a classic line: “I say this to you just … because I really like your guys’ work, the platform, and your reporters” https://t.co/Uto0LWPBAu
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) October 17, 2019
Kamala Harris Has Already Told Us She Is A Twitter Cop https://t.co/q4EdWLeBQH
— Melissa Gira Grant (@melissagira) October 17, 2019
the only 2020 hill im prepared to die on right now is that making “Mr. Trump, log off!” a major campaign issue is endlessly silly https://t.co/zTRA7Yl2Tc
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 17, 2019
A lot of this might be explained by the fact that much of her staff are leftovers from the Clinton campaign. https://t.co/ihngBaeaAu
— Ed Cara (@EdCara4) October 17, 2019
it’s really undersung how Extremely Online the Harris staff is https://t.co/cQWoco7Mit
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) October 17, 2019
Miller stood by her original post, declaring, “Anyway, still think that Warren ‘no’ was pretty funny.”
Anyway, still think that Warren “no” was pretty funny https://t.co/PZIIhyWIkE
— Katherine Miller (@katherinemiller) October 17, 2019