WATCH: NBC’s Garrett Haake Confronts New RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump About the Party Embracing 2020 Election Lies
NBC News correspondent Garrett Haake promoted a new interview with RNC co-chair Lara Trump on MSNBC on Tuesday, and he reported that Trump seemed to “struggle” with balancing the desire to move the party forward with supporting a presidential candidate — her father-in-law, former President Donald Trump — who continues to push lies about the 2020 election.
Haake showed a clip of his upcoming interview with Trump while discussing the conversation with MSNBC anchor Katy Tur, who was filling in for Ana Cabrera. In the interview, Haake asked Trump directly:
Haake: Is it going to be the position of the RNC in 2024 that the 2020 election was not fairly decided, or that it was stolen somehow?
Trump: Well, I think we’re past that. I think that’s in the past. We learned a lot. Certainly we took a lot of notes. Right now we have 23 states that have 78 lawsuits in these states to ensure that it is harder to cheat and easier to vote. We want fairness and transparency in our elections.
When asked by Tur about that exchange, Haake said:
Look, I learned a lot from this interview. And what I saw was the struggle that she and, I think, a lot of Republicans have between trying to push the party into the modern way elections are conducted, encouraging folks to vote by mail and to vote early and to embrace those tactics, while also not giving up some of the lies that are at the center of the 2020 campaign, that somehow the election was fraudulent or somehow stolen from Donald Trump.
So what you’re seeing here is an effort by the RNC to try to push this forward. The lawsuits that she’s talking about, trying to tighten up, you know, ballot access and voter requirements in different states to try to convince their voters, essentially, that some result that all the results will be legitimate and perhaps not just Donald Trump winning would be the kind of thing that make them happy.
Tur also asked Haake about the report from The Washington Post that prospective RNC employees were being asked during their job interviews if they believed the 2020 election was stolen. He replied, “I can’t answer right now, but I think it’s something that is worthy of further scrutiny, especially given what Lara Trump told us about trying to move the party past 2020.”
Watch the video above via MSNBC.