Axios’s Mike Allen Offers Ominous View to Morning Joe: Biden Is ‘Self-Isolating — Both Medically and Politically’


The outlook for President Joe Biden’s political future has grown even murkier, and Axios’s Mike Allen painted a stark picture during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Thursday.

While talking to co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski about new developments in Biden World, which yesterday grew to include the president’s Covid diagnosis. Allen didn’t have a lot of positive news to share, including the added pressure from Democratic leaders asking the president to step aside and pass the baton:

So on your air, I talked about the fact three weeks ago that there was an effort among top Democrats to give President Biden the chance to walk off the stage. They said he is proud, he is stubborn. We love him. We appreciate him. We want to give him the chance to walk off the stage. President Biden, in the view these top Democrats, did not take the hint. And the way that one top Democrat, someone very close to the West Wing, put it to me Sunday as I sat here on the floor of this hall with my laptop, doing reporting at the Republican convention about what was happening in the Democratic Party, they said, “We don’t want to humiliate him.” That was the effort.

Then we saw this sequence yesterday. And as my brilliant colleague Zach Basu puts it at the top of Axios this morning, President Biden is now self-isolating, both medically and politically. With Covid now, he had given the sequences he had said what could get him out of the race. The president had said the Lord Almighty. Then he said data, polling that showed I couldn’t win. Then he said health. Then, privately there’s reporting saying that he’s being told that Vice President [Kamala Harris] can win. So all his boxes now are checked.

Watch the video above via MSNBC.
