NEW POLL: Support For Ukraine Among Fox News Viewers Whopping 23 Points Lower Than Other News Sources


Tucker Carlson Clips Aired in Russia

Viewers of Fox News and other conservative media are a whopping 23  points less likely to support the U.S. involvement in helping Ukraine defend against Russia’s brutal invasion, according to a new Axios study.

Recently, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken blistering criticism over recent remarks in which he referred to the war as a “territorial dispute” that is not in the nation’s “vital interest” to be involved in.

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests – securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party – becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them,” DeSantis said.

While the remarks drew sharp condemnation from a raft of GOP lawmakers and conservative commentators to include Isaac Schorr of Mediaite, a new Axios/Ipsos study shows a startling gap between Republicans and everyone else on the issue — and a sharp divide depending on news diet.

The most recent Axios/Ipsos Two Americas Index showed that 59% of Americans support providing weapons and financial support to Ukraine, with 79 percent support among Democrats, independents at 60 percent support — but just 42 percent support from Republicans.

And Mike Allen of Axios noted an even sharper divide in his Axios AM newsletter:

Support for arming Ukraine is noticeably lower among people whose primary news source is Fox News or other conservative media (43%) than among people who mainly watch or read network news, major national papers or their local news (66%).

Perhaps not coincidentally, the remarks that DeSantis made, as well as an almost nightly cascade of similarly-aligned sentiments, were made on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Strong expressions of support for the effort to support Ukraine, and even occasional praise for President Joe Biden’s role in that effort, can be found elsewhere on Fox News, and the network has even seen journalists killed and wounded covering the conflict on the ground.
