Bill Maher Goes Scorched Earth On Dems For ‘Doubling Down’ On ‘Anti-Common Sense Agenda’ After Losses: ‘Stop Digging!’
Bill Maher accused Democrats of learning nothing from their election losses and “doubling down” on the exact things that led to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in the first place.
On Friday’s Real Time, Maher wrapped up the show by offering a “new rule” for the “usual suspects” on the “far left.” The hosts of The View and MSNBC’s primetime lineup were shown as Maher began ripping into these “usual suspects.”
“Someone must tell the usual suspects on the far left that the saying is when you’re in a hole, stop digging, not keep digging. Talk about doubling down on what got you fucked in the first place,” Maher said. “Even the one concession I’ve heard a few people on the losing side offer, that liberals should stop saying the Trump voters are stupid, comes with a kind of unspoken parentheses: ‘We know they are stupid, just don’t say it.’ I got bad news for you. They don’t have a monopoly on stupid.”
The comedian, who confidently predicted before the election that Trump would lose, then launched into a lengthy attack on liberals on everything from Israel to Covid.
Maher said:
“You wear ‘Queers for Palestine’ t shirts and masks two years after the pandemic ended and you can’t define woman, I mean person who menstruate. You’re the Teachers Union education Party and you’ve turned schools and colleges into a joke. You just lost a crazy contest to an actual crazy person.
You love to speak truth to power, and we always should, but you have completely lost the ability to speak truth to bullshit. The Democratic polling firm Blueprint told Democrats months ago that Black voters, AKA their supposedly liberal base, were more likely to find the president too liberal than too conservative.
They also found that voters didn’t just want Harris to distance herself from Biden, they wanted her to distance herself from what they believe the entire Democratic Party has become: a Portlandia sketch. A bunch of privileged, mean girls complaining about privilege and trying to make fetch happen.
What a shocker that the people who see everything through the lens of race and sex see their election loss as a result of racism and sexism. Yes, if only we weren’t so irredeemably unenlightened, we would have elected a Black president by now. What, we did? Right. And then reelected him. Maybe you missed it because it wasn’t on TikTok.
And sexism. Hillary got three million more votes than Trump, which in a normal country would be called a victory. It wasn’t 21st century sexism that prevented a woman from being president. It was the Electoral College.”
Maher blasted the current Democratic Party as too “exclusionary” on issues and unwilling to engage in debate. The far left, according to the comedian, paint the United States as a “patriarchal, racist nightmare” that doesn’t match reality for voters while ignoring real issues like the economy and the environment.
“I will conclude by saying the reason I’m so mad at the Democrats is because as a voter, the issues that were important to me were democracy and the environment. And now there’s no one to champion or defend either of them because you, with your aggressively anti-common sense agenda and shitty exclusionary attitude, blew it. You lost everything, House, Senate, White House, Supreme Court, and left us completely unprotected and ready to be violated.”
Watch above via HBO.