Hillary Clinton Claims She’s ‘Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met’ in Trump-Like Declaration
Hillary Clinton made a declaration similar to ones former President Donald Trump has made about himself in the past, in which she insisted she’s “the most investigated innocent person you have ever met in your entire life.”
Clinton joined Margaret Hoover for PBS’ Firing Line this week and the former secretary of state called Trump an “existential” threat to the country, predicting there’s “no telling the damage” he would do in a second term.
Clinton told Hoover:
“I think in this case, it started off because most Americans were introduced to Trump as a television star, a guy who played a successful businessman, not one who was a successful businessman, and adds the character that he played and with the kind of macho appearance of, you know, you’re fired and tough guy in action. People bought that and people believed that. And people also discounted much of what he said, including members of the press, because they thought it was all a performance. You know, it was entertaining. You couldn’t turn away from it. You have no idea what he was going to say next. And I think because people did not always and still today do not always take him seriously and literally, they are missing the larger picture because I don’t think Trump believes anything except his own grandiose view of himself.”
She went on to describe Trump as a political puppet being manipulated by both domestic and foreign sources.
Clinton continued:
“And he has been played by everybody from Putin, to people in this country who want to take advantage of him through flattery to get him to implement their agenda, whether it’s huge tax cuts for the rich or whether it’s, you know, destroying the civil service or ending the Department of Education or overturning Roe v. Wade, all of that is just, you know a game that he’s the person in the middle of that others are manipulating. And, you know, there’s no doubt that if he were to have power again, without any kind of accountability, and without people around him who stopped him from doing some very bad things, in his first term — people who were Republicans, people in his administration, but who knew enough about government and cared enough about democracy, to put the brakes on. And they are begging us, I mean, they are like sounding three alarm fires. Don’t vote for him. Don’t let him near power again, because they know if he is surrounded by sycophants and opportunists and manipulators, there’s no telling the damage that he will do.”
As she wrapped up her Trump hits, Clinton declared herself the “most investigated innocent person,” citing investigations of her by Republicans, none of which have led to charges. The declaration somewhat mirrors the general declarations Trump makes about himself against his mountain of legal woes, previously calling himself “the most innocent man in American history.”
“He basically ordered his attorney general to reopen an investigation into me. He ordered his two secretaries of state to reinvestigate me. They investigated the Clinton Foundation,” Clinton said. “You know, I’m the most investigated, innocent person you have ever met.
Watch above via PBS.