‘It’s So F*cking Embarrassing!’ Bill Maher Torches Republicans For Brawling In Congressional Hearings and Hallways


Comic and pundit Bill Maher recreated the near-brawl in a Senate hearing and ripped Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) over his alleged kidney-punch, exclaiming “It’s so fucking embarrassing!”

On Friday night’s edition of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, the comic’s panel guests were Donna Brazile and Adam Kinzinger., and his interview guests were authors and comedy legends Albert Brooks and Rob Reiner.

During his monologue, Maher devoted several jokes to the incidents this week in which Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-MT) challenged a Teamsters boss to a fistfight during a hearing and McCarthy allegedly elbowed a colleague halfway to a dialysis machine:

And oh, the Republicans. They spent the week threatening to beat each other up. I’m not making this up. Here’s how to do it. I didn’t know this. I had never heard this name before this week. Apparently, he’s the senator from Oklahoma. Markwayne Mullin. Mark. Sounds like a serial killer. Actually, a senator. Senator Markwayne Mullin was hearing testimony from the head of the Teamsters Union, and at one point he stands up, takes off his ring, like, “let’s go, bro.”.

This is the Senate. Mitch McConnell completely froze! Then he heard about the… You’re way ahead of me!

But can I. Could I recreate for you a little bit the actual dialog that went on in the United States Senate between this man and a senator?

First guy says “you want to do it now?”.

“I’d love to do it now!”.

“Then stand your butt up!”.

“You stand your butt up!”.

Again. This is the Senator Mark. This is Markwayne Mullin. His campaign slogan. Markwayne Mullin. What the fuck are you looking at?

And then. And then another congressman claimed former. Recently former House speaker had dude Kevin McCarthy. Sucker punched him in the kidney. And Kevin McCarthy said, “Hey, if I did that, he’d be on the ground!”.

It’s so fucking embarrassing watching these pencil necks trying to act all hard. Yeah. Kevin McCarthy. Hard. He’s got a tear tattoo! For the time he killed Medicare. Anyway…

Watch above via HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher.
