Liz Cheney Hits Back at Rep. Loudermilk’s Call for Criminal Investigation in Fiery Statement: ‘A Malicious and Cowardly Assault on the Truth’

Liz Cheney Says Conservatives Might Have to Form New Party Because GOP Has ‘Been So Corrupted’ By Trump
Former Republican Representative Liz Cheney hit back hard at Rep. Barry Loudermilk’s call for her to be criminally investigated for her part in the House Select Committee investigation into January 6th.
Loudermilk chaired the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee, which released an interim report on his findings on the events surrounding January 6, 2021, and his investigation into the politicization of the January 6th Select Committee. His report outlined criminal recommendations against former Representative Cheney, later amplified by President-elect Donald Trump in a social media post.
Cheney is the long-time conservative firebrand and rare Republican politician who turned to become a vocal critic of Trump following the attack on the Capitol by his supporters on January 6th. She played a lead role in the Select Committee that investigated and found damning evidence of the once former and now future Commander in Chief who, among other allegations, did little but watch the riots unfold on his television instead of vocally trying to stop the attack.
The report claims that Cheney colluded with star witness Cassidy Hutchinson, and three of its top findings lay blame on Cheney:
1. Former Representative Liz Cheney colluded with “star witness” Cassidy Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.
2. Former Representative Liz Cheney should be investigated for potential criminal witness tampering based on the new information about her communication.
3. Cassidy Hutchinson’s most outrageous claims lacked any evidence, and the Select Committee had knowledge that her claims were false when they publicly promoted her.
President Trump did not attack his Secret Service Detail at any time on January 6.
President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6.
Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6.
Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson baselessly attempted to disbar Hutchinson’s former attorney.
Cheney fired back in a statement, deriding the Loudermilk Interm report for “intentionally disregards the truth and the Select Committee’s tremendous weight of evidence, and instead fabricates lies and defamatory allegations in an attempt to cover up what Donald Trump did. Their allegations do not reflect a review of the actual evidence, and are a malicious and cowardly assault on the truth.”
“No reputable lawyer, legislator or judge would take this seriously,” Cheney concluded.
Read the full statement below:
“January 6th showed Donald Trump for who is really is — a cruel and vindictive man who allowed violent attacks to continue against our Capitol and law enforcement officers while he watched television and refused for hours to instruct his supporters to stand down and leave. The January 6th Committee’s hearings and report featured scores of republican witnesses, including many of the most senior officials from Trump’s own White House, campaign and Administration. All of this testimony was painstakingly set out in thousands of pages of transcripts, made public along with a highly detailed and meticulously sourced 800 page report. The Department of Justice conducted its own independent investigation and reached the same fundamental conclusions.
“Now, Chairman Loudermilk’s ‘Interim Report’ intentionally disregards the truth and the Select Committee’s tremendous weight of evidence, and instead fabricates lies and defamatory allegations in an attempt to cover up what Donald Trump did. Their allegations do not reflect a review of the actual evidence, and are a malicious and cowardly assault on the truth.
“No reputable lawyer, legislator or judge would take this seriously.”
— Liz Cheney