Olivia Wilde Reveals Villain in Latest Film ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Was Inspired by Jordan Peterson


Actress and director Olivia Wilde is revealing the inspiration behind her latest film, Don’t Worry Darling, in a new interview promoting the movie.

She recently sat down with fellow star Maggie Gyllenhaal for Interview Magazine to discuss her career and the process behind making the highly anticipated film.

Don’t Worry Darling is Wilde’s second feature film to direct and follows the story of a young couple in the 1950’s who decide to live in an “experimental community” that goes awry.

In the interview, Wilde says one of the characters, the leader of the “experimental community,” portrayed by Chris Pine was inspired by The Daily Wire’s Jordan Peterson.

Pine’s character becomes the villain in the community, who ruthlessly tries to make his ideas work no matter the cost.

Wilde said, “Chris, who I’ve known for, like, 20 years, probably agreed to do the movie at first as a favor to an old buddy, and then he really took it and ran with it.”

“Yeah, he’s wonderful,” Gyllenhaal replied.

“Terrifying,” Wilde added, “We based that character on this insane man, Jordan Peterson, who is this pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community. You know the incels?”

“No,” Gyllenhaal said.

“They’re basically disenfranchised, mostly white men, who believe they are entitled to sex from women,” Wilde explained.

Wilde went further, explaining that the idea of feminism is what drive people like Peterson to express their frustrations and ideology.

“They believe that society has now robbed them—that the idea of feminism is working against nature, and that we must be put back into the correct place,” Wilde added.

“Well, they must be psyched. Things are going really well for them,” Gyllenhaal said.

Wilde concluded, “Yeah, they’re actually succeeding in many different ways. But this guy Jordan Peterson is someone that legitimizes certain aspects of their movement because he’s a former professor, he’s an author, he wears a suit, so they feel like this is a real philosophy that should be taken seriously.”

Don’t Worry Darling is set to be released on September 23.
