Piers Morgan Brutally Grills Candace Owens on Braindead Conspiracy Theory About French First Lady Being a Man

Screenshot via Piers Morgan Uncensored
Piers Morgan confronted Candace Owens about a conspiracy theory she’s promoted claiming that French First Lady Brigette Macron was born a man.
Owens joined Morgan on Piers Morgan Uncensored for a Wednesday interview that covered everything from the Israel-Hamas war to Ye, formerly Kanye West. Morgan at one point dove into the Macron conspiracy theory, calling it “outrageous” and accusing Owens of promoting it for nothing more than “clouts and clicks.”
“You have produced zero evidence that she is a man,” Morgan told Owens. “It’s been deeply offensive to her, her husband President [Emmanuel] Macron, to all of her family. You keep promoting it to millions of people who follow you, and I simply ask why. She’s not a man, she’s a woman.”
“I think Brigitte Macron is a trans woman and I think the fact that Brigitte Macron —” Owens responded before Morgan jumped back in.
“But she’s not,” he said.
“Okay,” a frustrated Owens responded.
“Where’s your evidence that she is?” Morgan asked.
“Well, Piers, the thing is I’m not allowed to speak after you ask me a question, so I don’t really know what the purpose of this is anymore. You just seem to kind of be saying your own thoughts,” Owens said.
The exchange eventually devolved into Owens putting on a fake British accent to mock Morgan, and Morgan branding Owens a complete opportunist, saying at one point, “I don’t believe for a moment that you believe Brigitte Macron is a man.”
Morgan offered a $100,000 bet at one point that an upcoming libel trial from Brigitte Macron against someone promoting this conspiracy theory would prove beyond a doubt she was a born a woman. That upcoming trial follows two others being fined in court for spreading the same conspiracy theory.
According to Owens, Macron lived as a man for 30 years, fathered three children, and is actually who most assume is her brother. She claimed she would drop the conspiracy theory if Macron produced a photo of her before 30. Morgan dismissed the arguments as “complete bullshit” and told Owens any such picture would simply be dismissed as fake by conspiracy theorists like her.
“I’ll bet you. Why don’t we have like a 100,000 pound bet that it establishes beyond any doubt — to a charity of your choice and mine — $100,000, we’ll make it dollars, right now that it is established beyond any doubt that she was born a woman. Do you accept that bet?” Morgan asked.
Owens said she would not, citing Donald Trump’s hush money trial as a reason to not trust the court system on cases involving political figures. She said she would pay the money if Morgan’s “team of journalists” could produce the photos she’s insisting will end the conspiracy theory talk.
“If you’re asking me to wage a bet on the basis of what happens in a trial and in a courtroom , the state versus some journalists, you are out of your mind,” she said.
Watch above via Piers Morgan Uncensored.