WATCH: Infamous Video Of Turkey Being Slaughtered Live On-Camera During Sarah Palin Interview
Former Vice Presidential candidate and ex-Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) etched her name into Thanksgiving lore with a memorable live interview — conducted against a macabre backdrop of turkeys being slaughtered.
Then-Governor Palin was giving her first interview following her defeat as the bottom of a presidential ticket headed by the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ), which lost to the historic candidacy of then-President-elect Barack Obama and his running mate — then-Vice President-Elect Joe Biden.
The setting for Palin’s interview was the Triple D Farm outside of Wasilla, where she had just pardoned a turkey. While that’s a common enough political tradition, you don’t often get to see what happens to the ones who don’t make the cut — who then get the cut made on them.
And so it was that Palin held forth for several minutes while a Triple D Farm employee who can only be described as the embodiment of casual aplomb divided his attention between Palin, the camera, and the turkey-throats he was slitting:
SARAH PALIN: (Turkey dude holds bleeding turkey still, watches Palin) I don’t think it’s changed me at all. I have the same values and convictions and positions and policies. I’ve just a greater appreciation, I think, for what other candidates go through. You know, it’s it’s pretty brutal that, the the time consumption there and the the energy that has to be spent in order to get out and about with a message on a national level, great appreciation for other candidates who have gone through this, but also just a a great appreciation for this great country. There are so many good Americans who are just desiring of of their government to kind of get out of the way and allow them to grow and progress and allow our businesses to grow and progress. So great appreciation for those who share that value.
And it was a blast. Every day was just a blast out there on the trail.
(Dude carries off now-dead turkey)
INTERVIEWER: Any other future plans?
SARAH PALIN: You know, plans just include getting through the budget process that we’re going through right now, building the state’s budget based on the price of oil that has plummeted so greatly and reining in the growth of government and plans like that that have to do with helping to govern this state and building this team that is continually being built to provide good service to Alaskans. So in my role as governor, that’s what my plans are all around.
(Dude loads new turkey into slaughter chute — interview continues)
Watch above via KTUU.