Tim Scott Calls on the Left to Tone Down Its Rhetoric — Seconds Before Openly Suggesting a Larger ‘Plot’ to Kill Trump


Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) appeared on Fox News’ Hannity on Monday to blame rhetoric from the “liberal elite” for the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. He also suggested that there could be a “plot” afoot.

Scott continued the narrative being pushed by several on the right, who have blamed the second failed attempt on Trump’s life on the ex-president’s political opponents, calling him a “threat to democracy” after he attempted to overturn the 2020 election. Scott quoted the Bible while making the case and called for the left to tone down their rhetoric before floating a possible “plot” to shoot Trump and saying they were the ones trying to end democracy. Scott told host Sean Hannity:

Well, listen, don’t ever forget the fact that the Bible tells us that Proverbs 18:21, that there’s death and life in the power of the tongue. What we’re seeing being weaponized on the left is their words. They literally continue to call former President Donald Trump a threat to democracy. You’ve got crazy folks who say, “I’ve just been empowered to eliminate the threat to democracy.” How does that work? It works when we see the liberal elite literally trying to take out a political opponent. Now, do they cause it? Absolutely, they contribute to it, they are complicit with it because of their words.

Let me just say this, Sean, without question, here is a party whose nominee did not get a single vote in a Democrat primary. Why? There was no Democrat primary. The coronation ceremony with her becoming the nominee did not take a process. That is the end of democracy. When you’re talking about the hypocrisy on the left, it’s undeniable and hard to miss that they literally wiped clean the slate of how elections are run in the United States of America. But their rhetoric, it’s not just over the top. It is potentially deadly. We need to see it toned down starting on the left. I’ve already heard it from our side. Every one of us wants to focus on the issues. But every single time we see another attempt against President Trump, you’ve got to ask yourself, is there a plot? Two assassination attempts in six weeks? If I were him, his family, or those who support him, you’ve got to start thinking, what’s going wrong in this process? We need answers. We need them now.

Watch the video above via Fox News.
