Alt-Right Trolls Try to Identify and Harass Asian Woman, But Can’t Tell Them Apart


Supporters of Donald Trump— including many on the “alt-right”– tried to name and shame an Asian woman caught on camera peeking at Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson‘s notes, but kept fingering the wrong woman.

In a video that went viral Wednesday, a woman and a group of men hang around Tillerson’s seat during a break in his confirmation hearing. The woman notices that Tillerson left his notes, walks over, and positions her phone in a way that suggests she was taking a photo. Later, the woman can be seen pointing out Tillerson’s notes to one of her acquaintances.

Indignant, Trump fans set out to discover which Asian reporter it could have been. (It’s worth noting that there’s no indication that the woman in the video was even a reporter to begin with. Even if she were, there aren’t really any ethical guidelines banning journalists from reporting on documents left in plain view in a public setting.)

Someone somewhere decided the woman was Washington Post homepage editor Doris Truong. That led to a post on Jim Hoft‘s Gateway Pundit declaring “SICK: WaPo Reporter Caught Sneaking Photos of Rex Tillerson’s Notes at Senate Hearing,” which was then picked up by the Drudge Report. From there, the harassment began.

There’s only one problem: that’s not Doris Truong. Gateway Pundit updated its piece after being contacted by The Washington Post, and it no longer appears on Drudge’s page.

Then Inside Climate reporter Lisa Song was accused.

Nope, not her either.

[Image via screengrab]

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