Joe Biden Smashes Gallup Record for Approval Within His Own Party — And Lowest Approval From Opposition

Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images
President Joe Biden has scored a record initial approval rating with voters of his own party, while also scoring the lowest initial approval rating from voters of the opposition party, in the history of Gallup’s tracking poll.
Donald Trump left office with the lowest approval rating of his presidency, as well as the lowest average approval rating in Gallup’s history — but he tied the record for approval within his own party at 88 percent.
President Biden’s first Gallup result is an inversion of that dynamic — on steroids. Overall, he beat Trump’s first approval number by double digits, scoring 57 percent versus Trump’s 45 percent in January of 2017. Historically, Biden’s first rating is in the middle of the pack, tied for 6th out of ten presidents.
But among members of his own party, Biden blew away every past president. Among Democrats, a whopping 98 percent approve of Biden. He does well with independents as well, at 61 percent, but among Republicans, only 11 percent approve — a historic low. Both figures broke records previously held by Trump.
Among demographic subgroups, President Biden scored his highest approval among non-white adults at 80 percent, and his lowest among Non-Hispanic White adults at 47 percent.
Gallup also notes that while Biden’s overall approval rate is relatively high, his initial disapproval rating is second only to Trump’s, with only 6 percent of Americans undecided. This will likely result in an approval rating whose movement will depend heavily on independent voters, who currently have a high opinion of the new president.