Only 1 in 5 Americans Believe Joe Biden Will Be a ‘Successful’ President: New Poll
Pew Research Center released a new survey of President Joe Biden’s job performance on Thursday, broken down by religious group affiliation. The Pew poll is the latest in a string of surveys with bad news from the president.
“Overall, 20% of American adults say Biden will be a successful president, while roughly twice that share (43%) say he will be unsuccessful and 37% say it is too early to tell,” the poll found.
The survey summary notes however that “religious groups in the U.S. also differ in their views of whether Biden will be a successful president or not” – offering Biden some hope to turn it around.
Black Protestants are the religious group most likely to believe Biden will be a successful president, with 35 percent reporting optimism. They are followed by Hispanic Catholics at 32 percent.
White evangelical Protestants are the group least likely to believe Biden will be successful, with only 7 percent of respondents expressing optimism and an overwhelming 78 percent saying they believe he will be unsuccessful.
“Few White non-evangelical Protestants (13%) and White Catholics (17%) predict Biden will be a successful president, while roughly half in each group say he will be unsuccessful,” the poll adds.
Religiously unaffiliated respondents also had little faith in Biden, with only 22 percent saying he will be successful, while 34 percent say he will be unsuccessful and 44 percent believe “it is too early to tell.”