Stephen Miller Tells Fox Viewers How To ‘Impress Ladies’ After Jesse Watters Praises Him As ‘Sexual Matador’


Former Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller advised Fox News viewers how to “impress ladies” on Tuesday after host Jesse Watters praised him as a “sexual matador.”

At the end of his Jesse Watters Primetime interview with Miller, Watters said, “Before we let you go, we just have to address the elephant in the room. We’re getting a lot of texts from women about Miller and his appearances and his appearance. Our audience at Primetime believes you’re some sort of sexual matador. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Miller then offered some “advice to any young man that’s out there,” telling them:

I’m married now, I have children, but I wasn’t married that long ago. I was single and I was on the market. If you’re a young man – it’s very important in an election season – who’s looking to impress ladies, to be the alpha, to be attractive, the best thing you can do is to wear your Trump support on your sleeve. Show that you are a real man. Show that you are not a beta, right? Be a proud and loud Trump supporter and your dating life will be fantastic.

Watters replied, “I cannot wait to see the texts tonight. Stephen Miller, thank you. Take it easy on the ladies.”

Watch above via Fox News.
