‘You Don’t!’ Fauci Flat Out Tells House Republican She’s Full of It After She Claims to Have Emails Proving He Lied Under Oath


Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and he faced questions from Republicans who have portrayed him as a villain for his involvement.

Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) had a few questions for Fauci — and she seemed uninterested in having Fauci actually answer them. One exchange she and Fauci had over emails that she believed backed up her own allegations had Fauci pushing back:

Lesko: My next question, sir, is on February 1st, 2020. You, yourself, Dr. Fauci, the [National Institute of Health] director, [Francis Collins], and at least 11 other scientists were on a conference call to discuss the origins of Covid. A number of the scientists said that they were concerned that Covid was the result of a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and were concerned that a revelation of the lab leak theory would hurt their relationship with China. The [Centers for Disease Control] director [Robert Redfield] testified that he was not invited on this conference call, and he believes that because he believed the lab leak theory was possible. Three days later, on February 4th, 2020, four participants on the conference call authored a paper, Proximal Origin, which was sent to you for editing — Proximal Origin pushed the natural origin theory. On April 16th, 2020, the NIH director Dr. Collins emailed you expressing dismay that the Nature Medicine article, which was based on Proximal Origin, didn’t suppress the lab leak theory and asked you for more public pressure to suppress the lab leak theory. The very next day, in response to Dr. Collins’ request to suppress the lab leak theory, you cited the Nature Medicine article, which discounted the lab leak theory from the White House podium. My question to you, sir: Did you cite this article at the White House because the NIH director asked you to suppress the lab leak theory?

Fauci: I did not do that in response to anybody’s suggestion to suppress anything. It was in response to a question that someone asked at the podium. And I did not edit any paper, as shown in my official testimony. So you said about four or five things, Congressman, that were just not true.

Lesko: Well, we have emails to prove it.

Fauci: But you don’t!

Lesko: Thank you. And I yield back.

Watch the video above via Fox News.
