Democrat Brutally Roasts Marjorie Taylor Greene During House Hearing For ‘Conspiracy Theories and Wild Accusations’
Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) offered a blistering takedown of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and her rhetoric surrounding Covid-19 during a hearing on the topic.
“I’m sorry you all had to go through that. That was a lot of, conspiracy theories and wild accusations, which we now have been, debunked by medical science,” Garcia began, referring to remarks by Greene in which she accused vaccines of harming Americans.
“And we should be clear that vaccines work and save lives, and they have millions of lives in this country. Now, it’s really unfortunate that we’re actually here having this hearing and trying to poke holes and, cause more vaccine hesitancy amongst the public. But we know that we’re here because committee members on this committee have demanded that we have this hearing, and we continue to cave and give those members, everything that they want,’ Garcia continued, adding:
Now, we also know that we have a member of this committee that just actually made some comments, who’s been on social media demanding that we hold this exact same hearing.
This is the same person that we know that has on countless posts, has spread misinformation, encourage parents to refuse routine vaccinations for their children, which you just heard, by the way, and even compared our pandemic efforts responses to the Holocaust.
I want to just actually read something which is in the public record. I’m not, saying anything that’s not in the public record. That a member of this committee actually said the same person that is actually attacking vaccines said that ‘vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo, just like the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a gold star.’ I want to I want to read that, again, ‘vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo, just like the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a gold star.’
That is the level of, insanity and attacks that we are having here as we actually debate the the lives saved around vaccinations. Now, this same members also held shadow public hearings promoting ideas that Covid is a bioweapon to targets people of specific races and the vaccines and I quote, ’cause turbo cancers.’
“I want I want to read you this quote. And it’s again in the public record at a hearing. ‘Have the Covid vaccines resulted in an increase in cancers? And are turbo cancers real?’ Now, Mr. Chairman, this is, in my opinion, just, insanity. We know that’s not the case, doctor Marks. And you clarify once again for the American people, do the Covid vaccines cause turbo cancers?” Garcia then asked Food and Drug Administration official Dr. Peter Marks.
“I’m a hematologist, oncology ecologist that’s board certified. I don’t know what a turbo cancer is. It was a term that was used first in a paper, in mouse experiments describing an inflammatory response. There are, we have not detected any increase in cancers, with the Covid-19 vaccine,” Marks replied.
Watch above via C-SPAN.