Florida GOP Candidate Calls Brief Twitter Suspension a ‘Modern Civil Rights Issue,’ Company Says It Was ‘False Positive’ Mistake


A Florida Republican candidate is calling a brief suspension of his Twitter account just ahead of his primary election “very suspicious,” though the social media platform chalked it up to a glitch in their system.

Appearing on Fox & Friends First on Wednesday, Dr. Drew Montez Clark referred to the suspension as a “modern civil rights issue.”

“I’m considering this at this particular point, a modern civil rights issue. I went from being persecuted for the color of my skin, let’s just say, because we know the history of the country, to now being persecuted because I happen to be a conservative. This should be protected,” he said.

Clark is running in the blue Congressional District 20 where he hopes to unseat Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL). He ran unopposed and won his nomination from the Republican Party, but Clark floated the theory that the suspension could be a sign of things to come once the midterm elections are actually here.

“Is this a precursor to what we can expect in the general,” he asked.

Clark revealed he’s spoken to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) about his concerns too and considered the suspension “interfering with an election.”

“At this particular point, I don’t know how we can allow this to happen, because this is an example of what I would call electioneering, interfering with the election, and we cannot allow that to stand,” the Republican said.

A statement from Twitter revealed by Fox News on Wednesday blamed the suspension, which lasted only a few hours, blamed the incident on their automated system.

“Twitter uses proactive, automated systems to detect content that might violate our rules, part of our work to improve the health of conversations on the service. In the case referenced, our automated system detected a false positive. The account has since been reinstated,” the company said.

Watch above via Fox News


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.