WATCH: GOP Lawmaker’s Jaw-Dropping Anti-Semitic Rant About Abortion Pill Gets Ripped By Young Turks Hosts


The Young Turks co-host Jayar Jackson tore into Kentucky State Rep. Danny Bentley over a jaw-dropping anti-Semitic rant the lawmaker expelled during a Kentucky legislative session.

On Friday’s edition of the pioneering online news program, Mr. Jackson and co-hosts Ana Kasparian and Ricky Strom played clips from Bentley’s stunning floor speech.

In the clips, Bentley falsely claimed that RU-486 was developed by a secret “Jew” during World War II, and was actually the same thing as Zyklon B. He also made bizarre claims about the sex lives of Jewish women.

“Did you know that a Jewish woman has less cancer of the cervix than any other race in this country or this world? And why is that? Because the Jewish women only have one sex partner… They don’t have multiple sex partners. To say that the Jewish people approve of this drug now is wrong,” Bentley said.

Mr. Jackson read statements correcting the misinformation in Bentley’s rant, and denunciations by Jewish organizations.

He also read a statement Bentley gave to The Louisville Courier Journal, which said “I meant absolutely no harm in my comments today and sincerely apologize for any they caused. Last week we received a heartbreakingly sad reminder that anti-Semitism still exists in our society and I apologize if my comments today caused similar pain or any doubt that I stand with the Jewish Community against hatred. My intention was to speak as a pharmacist to the history of RU-486 and respond to a proposed amendment. I clearly should have been more sensitive with my comments.”

“To that, I say also a little more accurate with your comments,” Jackson said.

Mr. Strom said “As a person who is Jewish? Stop saying Jew if you’re not Jewish. Like, just stop, it needs to end. It sounds horrible. We take offense to it. Please stop.”

Ms. Kasparian said, of Republicans, “That’s who they are,” and called Bentley’s remarks “unbelievably disgusting.”

“These tropes lead to anti-Semitic attacks. You know, it’s not just some. Oh, look at this idiot who’s saying idiotic things, there are real consequences to it,” Kasparian said.

The clips that TYT played were just a few seconds out of a bizarre Barney Gumbel-meets-David Duke speech that lasted over ten minutes, and drew quick condemnation from Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear.

“There is no place for antisemitism in Kentucky. Not in our communities and not in our government. We are all equal and wonderful parts of Team Kentucky where we love our neighbors as ourselves,” Beshear wrote on Twitter.

Watch the full speech above via KET.
