Young Turks Hosts Destroy ‘Most Insane Word Salad You Will Ever Hear’ From Joe Rogan’s Podcast


The Young Turks co-host Ana Kasparian pointed and laughed at what she called “the most insane word salad you will ever hear” — a climate change discussion from Joe Rogan’s podcast.

This week on the pioneering online news program, Kasparian took aim at a clip from Tuesday’s edition of The Joe Rogan  Experience podcast, during which Rogan’s guest was YouTube personality and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson.

“I give you the most insane word salad you will ever hear,” Kasparian said, and played the clip.

There’s no such thing as climate, right? Climate and everything are the same word. And that’s what bothers me about the climate change types. It’s like, this is something that bothers me about it, technically. It’s like, climate is about everything. OK.

But your models aren’t based on everything. Your models are based on a set number of variables. Yeah, that means you’ve reduced the variables, which are everything to that set.

Well, how did you decide which set of variables to include in the equation if it’s about everything? And that’s not just a criticism, that’s like, if it’s about everything, your models aren’t right because your models do not and cannot model everything.

“Mmm. OK, so what?” Kasparian said with astonishment. “What — what does that, what does that even mean?”

“Yeah, even Rogan didn’t really seem super on board with that,” co-host John Iadarola said.

“I mean, I hope he’s not. Clearly, he’s easy to influence,” Kasparian said, citing Rogan’s Covid denialism and misinformation.

Kasparian noted that people were defending Peterson on Twitter, and “Their argument is, Well, why did you let the video keep playing huh?”

“Rogan asked him to clarify after that, and here’s what he said,” Kasparian said, and read a transcript from the show:

Well, that’s what people who talk about the climate apocalypse claim. In some sense, we have to change everything. The same with the word environment. That word means so much that it actually doesn’t mean anything, like when you say everything, like in a sense, that’s meaningless. What’s the difference between the environment and everything? There’s no difference. What’s the difference between climate and everything? Well, there’s no difference.

“Oh, OK. Then in that case, I’m going to go ahead and refuse to believe the vast majority of climate scientists. Ninety nine percent of them who disagree with whatever climate denialism he’s trying to like, push on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and I’m going to go ahead and believe the guy who’s wearing a bow tie and a tuxedo to Joe Rogan’s podcast,” Kasparian said.

Watch above via The Young Turks.
