Fox’s Dana Perino Tells RNC Chairman That Trump Is ‘Confusing’ Supporters With Voting Messaging: Can’t Decide If It’s ‘Fraudulent’


Fox News anchor Dana Perino asked RNC Co-Chairman Michael Whatley if Donald Trump has been too inconsistent in his messaging on early voting after Whatley encouraged Republicans to take advantage of it.

On America’s Newsroom on Friday, Bill Hemmer brought up a New York Times report on an organization spending millions to encourage early voting for Republicans.

Whatley said he endorses the effort.

“If we can get people to vote early, that’s fantastic,” Whatley said. “I vote on the first day of early voting every year because I don’t know where I’m going to be on election day. We don’t know what the weather’s going to be like. There are things that come up so we want to encourage everybody, but you’ve got to have a plan.”

“Will President Trump echo that message because there are days where he says, ‘We have to do this!’ And then he’ll say, ‘But it’s actually fraudulent!'” Perino pressed. “So, I mean, it’s confusing, I think, for his voters. What does he want them to do?”

Whatley argued the president has been “consistent lately” on the subject. He argued Republicans ultimately want one day of voting despite the RNC chair himself taking advantage of early voting.

“The president has been consistent lately. What he has said is that we would like ultimately there to only be voting on election day, but that’s not the law,” Whatley said. “In every single state right now we have different rules, different regulations. We need to know what they are and we need to take advantage of this emotion to drive our voters out and make sure we get the votes in.”

Trump has attacked mail-in voting on numerous occasions. He told Laura Ingraham in February that “if you have mail-in balloting, you automatically have fraud.”

Watch above via Fox News.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.