WATCH: 5 Vice Presidents Certify Opposition Electoral Wins, As Mike Pence Faces Trump Ire for Same Duty


As Vice President Mike Pence faces hurt feelings from President Donald Trump over his impending duty to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory, it’s worth watching how that task was carried out by other veeps in recent history.

Trump is reportedly seething over the prospect that on January 6, Pence will preside over a joint session of Congress at which the Electoral College results will be read, and then certified by Pence — which Trump considers the ultimate betrayal.

That same “betrayal” — the certification of an opposing party’s electoral victory — has occurred 5 times in recent history, beginning with then-Vice President Walter Mondale’s certification of then-President-elect Ronald Reagan’s electoral landslide.

The process requires the VP to read both the presidential and vice-presidential results, which led to what would have been a viral moment if those existed in 1981: Mondale receiving a standing ovation that was at once affectionate and sarcastic as he told the chamber “George Bush of the state of Texas has received for vice president of the United States 489 votes,” then with a knowing smile, added “Walter F. Mondale of the state of Minnesota has received 49 votes.”

He laughed during the ovation, saying “A landslide, I get it.”

In 1993, Vice President Dan Quayle read the results — 370 for Bill Clinton and Al Gore to 168 for George H.W. Bush and Quayle — to total silence from the chamber, then certified the result with the prescribed recitation “This announcement shall be deemed as efficient declaration of the person’s elected president and vice president of the United States.”

In 2001, it fell to Vice President Gore to certify the hotly-contested election that saw a circus of a recount in Florida and a controversial Supreme Court decision that divides Americans to this day. Gore sounded pleasant enough as he read the likely gut-wrenching presidential result: “George W. Bush of the state of Texas has received 271 votes. Al Gore, the state of Tennessee has received 266 votes.”

The results weren’t so close in 2009 when Vice President Dick Cheney told the chamber “Barack Obama of the state of Illinois has received for president of the United States 365 votes,” followed by a thunderous standing ovation that lasted a really long time.

“John McCain of the state of Arizona has received 173 votes,” Cheney continued, and another lengthy standing ovation, but shorter in duration, ensued. They even stood for Sarah Palin that year.

2017 did not go as smoothly when then-Vice President Joe Biden presided over a messy joint session during which he had to gavel down several objections, then proceeded to the reading of the votes — which got complicated.

“Donald Trump of New York has received, for president of the United States, 304 votes. Hillary Clinton of the state of New York has received 227 votes. Colin Powell from the Commonwealth of Virginia has received three votes. John Kasich of the state of Ohio has received one vote. Ron Paul of the state of Texas has received one vote. Bernie Sanders of the state of Vermont has received one vote. Faith Spotted Eagle of the state of South Dakota has received one vote,” Biden said, as someone in the chamber laughed.

“Michael R. Pence of the state of Indiana has received, for vice president of the United States, 305 votes. Tim Kaine of the Commonwealth of Virginia has received 227,” Biden continued, then demanded “There will be order!” as several protesters disrupted the vote.

Elizabeth Warren of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has received two, Maria Cantwell of the state of Washington has received one, Susan Collins of the state of Maine has received one, Carly Fiorina of the Commonwealth of Virginia has received one,” Biden continued, and as another protester interrupted, ordered “The sergeant of arms will remove the protesters from the gallery. The chamber will be in order.”

Winona LaDuke of the state of Minnesota has received one vote,” Biden concluded, then certified the vote in the prescribed constitutional manner. He closed the joint session with a bemused laugh.

Watch above via C-Span.
