RNC Committee Member Claims Trump Is ‘Trying to Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game’ Before Officially Winning Candidacy
Former President Donald Trump has named his choices to run the Republican National Committee, but one committee member said he’s “trying to change the rules” during the GOP primary season.
CNN’s Dana Bash interviewed Henry Barbour of the RNC to discuss the news that current RNC chair Ronna McDaniel would step down next month. Bash asked about Trump’s choices to run the RNC — Michael Whatley, chair of North Carolina’s Republican Party, and daughter-in-law Lara Trump — and Barbour didn’t seem too enthusiastic about either of them:
Barbour: Well, it’s a bad precedent. And I say that because I think Donald Trump is jumping the gun before the primary is over to begin to influence things at the RNC. He’s supposed to get a majority of the delegates wrapped up, and we’ve only voted in four states. And voters deserve to be able to have a vote and a say, that’s the process that we have in place and that we’ve had in place for decades. And in effect, Donald Trump is trying to change the rules in the middle of the game.
But I’m not happy about Ronna leaving. But I don’t think there’s any question that Michael Whatley and Lara Trump will get elected at the meeting.
Bash: Are you happy that they will get elected?
Barbour: Well, I’m not happy that — and this is the reason I offered this resolution dealing with neutrality — it says the RNC should stay neutral through the primary. And it should, and we shouldn’t have a campaign dictating to us while the primary is still going on. There’s another candidate running, and Donald Trump, while he has a significant lead and which I’m not blind to, the RNC has a job to be neutral, and at least until we have a presumptive nominee.
The resolution to which Barbour is referring states that the RNC should remain neutral through the party’s presidential primary and that the RNC would not pay Trump’s legal bills. Lara Trump said that she believed voters would support the RNC paying her father-in-law’s legal bills — which voters are technically currently paying — and that “every single penny” coming into the RNC would go towards his campaign.
Watch the video above via CNN.