Famed Dem Pollster Privately Showing Biden ‘Devastating’ Numbers as Part of Ongoing Effort to Get Him to Quit: CNN

AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Prominent Democrats are still engaged in a behind-the-scenes campaign to get President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, according to CNN’s John King.
“The public calls from Democrats asking President Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race have quieted in recent days, but private efforts to nudge the president and his top aides continue, several Democratic sources told CNN,” wrote King.
He continued:
Among the efforts, these sources say, are repeated memos from a seasoned and respected Democratic pollster, Stanley Greenberg, sharing his take that Biden is on track to lose the election – and in a way that does deep damage to other Democratic candidates.
“Lose everything,” is how one Democrat described a polling memo Greenberg sent to Biden’s inner circle in recent days. “Devastating,” was the one word answer of a second Democrat close to the White House who is familiar with the Greenberg memos.
These sources said Greenberg has sent several memos over the past two weeks since the president’s devastating debate performance, analyzing internal polling he asserts shows the president’s position continues to deteriorate because Americans overwhelmingly do not see him as up to serving four more years.
A number of Democrats serving in the House of Representatives have publicly called on Biden to drop out while the vague statements issued by other party leaders, including former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), have raised eyebrows.
Politico‘s Jonathan Martin, meanwhile, has reported that Pelosi is “convinced Biden will lose” and “has been working the phones since June 27 in hopes of finding a way to ease him off the ticket.
Still, Biden has continued to show no signs whatsoever of wavering in his decision to run for reelection despite his dismal debate performance last month and the fact that he is trailing former President Donald Trump nationally and in the key swing states that are expected to decide the election.